Using Our Freedom of Speech To Be An Ass

The following poem was written and improved by listening to others. Please do not think that Karen feels she is perfect and has never been in a situation when her loose words made her materialize into an ass. If I were perfect, I would not be trying to be the person I am supposed to be according to Mr. David Bowie. After all practice makes perfect. The following is hard to put into one category so I am placing it into both - What would Karen say and What would Karen really say.

Freedom of Speech To Be An Ass

Someone said something to me the other day

Their thoughts were unexpected and outspoken

Their words spoke volumes of feelings in my head

And it changed the way I thought about many things


Why all of a sudden do we think we can judge others

Question the way they live, speak, and do or not do

And share our judgmental thoughts about them socially

Or ask them questions people have no business asking


Using our freedom to speak has nothing to do with being an ass

But many people believe speech gives you a daring right

To turn communications into loose words - without thought

And speak, question, and write blogs that sting, hurt, and maim


To comment with harsh sentences about uninvited subjects

About people’s choices, medical history and their private lives

Freedom of speech has made many judgmental gods of hurtful wisdom

When their knowledge of their practice only makes them empty


Someone said something to me the other day

Their words gave me the freedom of speech to write this

And to quietly sit and think about what they said in judgment

So, I could change my own words and be who I was meant to be


I must change the way I think so my thoughts will change

I do not want to attract empty people with dead emotions

Who think without thought believing they have a right

To use their freedom as an acceptable excuse to be mean


To take aim and target others as they throw poison darts

As they act out and practice being empty with ease

I can learn from these small gods to be more like my true self

I will not busy myself with careless judgmental choices


I will teach myself to not attract their learned wisdom

So, I do not need to argue with my own heart

And by not practicing being the perfect human

I can change my spiritual image that looks at me in the mirror


What Would David Bowie Say