Miss You Too!

I was blessed with intuitive voices; I get messages I would not ordinarily get if I were thinking with my intellectual mind. The voice as I like to call it – speaks to me sometimes when I do not expect it.  And when it does, it is an undeniable message that can be heard almost like I can hear a person speaking to me, except no one else can physically hear that voice but me.    

The voice that sounds and speaks like a human being will almost all the time continuously repeat itself when I do not listen to what it is saying.  Usually when I don’t agree to do what it is asking or I refuse to do what it wants – its tone will begin to speak louder.  And sometimes that voice will direct me to do things I would not have thought about doing.  But when I follow that intuition, it always pays off.  I have accomplished some pretty miraculous things listening to that voice. 

 I have had many encounters with the “inner voice” that has warned me by telling me things I need to know and it can also direct me to do good deeds for others.  I have my grandmother on my mom’s side to thank for my inner guidance.  She also had this gift.

The following is one of my favorite stories. 

 It was October of 2012 and I was vacationing on Cape Cod for the first time all by myself.  With no real plans I looked forward to doing whatever I wanted because I had no one else to please except for me - or so I thought.  One morning I awoke to the inner voice demanding I go someplace I would not have chosen to go on my own.

 “I think you should go to Falmouth,” the inner voice said even before I was fully awake one morning.  I remember telling the voice as I would tell any human being who suggested going to Falmouth - I think you are crazy.  Falmouth, a town on Cape Cod, is one of my least favorite places to visit.

 To this day, I am not sure why I did not fight the voice in a mental argument but the more I thought about it, the more I had an uncontrollable feeling that I had to go there.  Besides I did not want to resist the challenge and curiosity of knowing why my inner voice would send me to a town I dislike so much.  In addition, I knew if I did not listen, I would have to hear the adamant voice chatting in my head for the rest of the day. 

I got dressed, had something to eat and left for my destination. When I got to this crowded shopping town it began raining and my human instinct, disappointed by the weather, began to look for a good parking spot.  Ironically, a car pulled out almost right in front of me and I drove into an all too perfect spot to park my car.  Minutes after I crossed the street in the misty drizzle the rain mysteriously stopped. 

No rain and no umbrella are good - I said to myself.  But a crowded shopping mall in Falmouth - not so much. 

The first store I went into was so crowded I left immediately.  And as I walked the very long outside strip mall, one store at a time, each time I entered a store the voice told me I did not belong there.  And each boring store I came out of, I would roll my eyes thinking I could be doing something better right now. 

I was almost at the end of the strip mall and a bit upset that my precious vacation was drifting away by the minute.  And I was more than willing to go back to the hotel and swim.  But there were only two more stores so I went into one more.  And this store made me feel different – peaceful and like I belonged there.

I began looking at trinkets in the front of the store and immediately recognized I was not in the correct spot.  And by spiritual instinct and like I knew where I was headed, I walked pass the register to a tiny room in the back of the store.  There, on a small table was one odd shaped rock, grey in color with a small black butterfly imprinted on it. Next to the butterfly there were two words, “Miss You.”

Immediately, I began to think about my sister Nancy.  She had lost her husband Gary at the beginning of that year and she was continuously filled with nothing but grief. Within seconds I felt a lump in my throat.  I grabbed the stone off the table and when I closed my eyes and held it close to my heart I felt nothing but sadness. 

The tears welled up behind my eyelids; I opened them and put the stone back on the table for fear I would break down crying.  I wiped the tears rolling down the side of my face and my emotions were awakened again this time with more feelings of my sister’s pain. 

I was able to somehow stop the rest of my tears from rolling out of my eyes and down my face when I realized that this was meant to be. I snatched the rock back up, took my purchase up to the cashier and happily and very much satisfied left the store. 

The walk back to the car confirmed to me that I could leave my shopping adventure because I knew that my journey there was complete.  My emotional heart began to feel lighter and not enjoying Falmouth for any earthly reason, I happily got into my car very much at ease.  Right after purchasing the stone it started raining again but it did not rain hard until I was safely in my car almost an entire strip mall away.    

When I arrived home from my vacation, I was so excited about my sister’s present; I invited her over to my house for lunch.  My plans were to tell my sister that if she missed her husband, she could release her grief into the stone.  I figured it would be a good way for her to accept he was gone and start moving forward with her life again.

While waiting for her to come over, I was doing some dishes I had used to prepare our lunch.  I find that when you are relaxed your inner voice will speak to you much more clearly.  And just like that, the inner voice spoke to me again. 

“You did not buy that stone for your sister; you bought that stone for me.”

Like most of my inner voice encounters, I kind of wonder what I hear at first and part of me always wants more of an explanation.  But instead of wondering, I just kept going over the sentence I heard in my head.   

“You bought that stone for me.”  Which in turn would mean I purchased that stone for my brother-in-law Gary who passed away to give to my sister.      

At the time, I still did not fully understand the idea of buying something for someone who was no longer here on earth.  But the more I thought about it – the more it made sense.  And with that I began to think that maybe his inner spirit was the one directing my inner voice to go shopping for him.    

At lunch, I told my sister what happened in Falmouth and why I purchased the stone – and then I told her about the second voice.  And that is when within seconds the explanation was fully understood by both of us.

After my sister’s husband passed away, my sister constantly told him every day that she missed him and that she wished he would tell her that he missed her too.  Gary was doing what she asked of him by returning the sentiment with a stone that said, “Miss You.”

This was my first encounter where I went shopping for a person, I knew that lives in heaven.  And I believe in my heart that if it was not his spirit voice chatting in my head, it was surely one of God’s angels egging me on to do something good.

Needless to say, my shopping trip was one of the best shopping adventures, especially in Falmouth, that I had ever gone on. 

I hope that my story will help more than one person to listen to their inner voice even if the voice does not make sense at first.  I trust the voice inside of me a lot more than I ever did. 

My inner voice or intuitive voice has led me in many new directions because I believe in my inner guidance so much more.  Since this adventure, my inner voice has also sent me on some great shopping adventures.  And more than once especially when I buy something for someone, the first thing that person will say to me is – “How did you know?”

I sometimes do not reveal my secret – I smile in their joy of receiving the perfect gift that I usually put very little human thought in knowing spirit helps me shop.


Finding Hope Through A Butterfly